

Parsing & Implementation

by Noel, E-Liang and Mayank

Based on The original keynote

William E Byrd - Relational Interpreters, Program Synthesis, Barliman


  • Declarative programming

    • Only talk about the properties of our programs

    • We get the exact properties we ask for

    • Generating functions by just talking about inputs and outputs

    • Functionality is implicitly produced from specifications

Common pitfalls in declarative programming

  • Easy to ideate, hard to reason about “procedure”.

    • often resort to procedural “side-effects”
  • E.g. difficult to ideate variable bindings

  • Reinventing the wheel for simple functions


  • Declarative, relational (Japanese - 関連 - “relation”) “family” of languages - canonically written in Scheme

  • Small core (desugared): MicroKanren (today’s topic)

  • Built to be idiomatic to the “host” language and relational programming.

Benefits of miniKanren family of languages

  1. Easy to extend and modify.
    • extended to logic programming (constraint, nominal and probabilistic), and tabling
    • reason: the core takes just 2 A4 pages to implement (which we did!)
  2. Make writing declarative programs easy, imperative programs hard.

Benefits (Contd)

  1. You can pick your poison!
    • miniKaren has been implemented in multiple host languages - Scheme, Haskell, JavaScript, OCaml, Ruby, and our favourite, PHP.

Differences with Prolog

  • Interleaving complete search v/s DFS

  • Handling “procedural” or “effectual” operators

Interleaving vs DFS

  • Or how to avoid non-terminating programs as much as possible

  • Consider this:

non_terminating_rule(X) :- non_terminating_rule(Y) ; terminating_fact(Y)
  • Expected: termination.

Interleaving (Contd)

  • Prolog (DFS-implementation): goes into an infinite recursion, doesn’t terminate.

  • MiniKanren (Interleaving search) : does terminate, by incrementing both branches at each stage (aka BFS).

Procedural Side-Effects

  • a culprit: Cut (!) operator in Prolog
    • interferes with the search for the results
  • E.g. self(X, Y): X \= Y, !, …
    • This prevents backtracking to A
  • Why is it considered a side effect?
    • Instead operating as a logical operator, it interferes with the solver itself by changing the way we unify our results.

Procedural Side-Effects

  • another culprit: retract
    • which allows you to remove a fact / rule in prolog db, during execution.


Minimal language

  • MicroKanren’s API has 4 core operators
fresh :: Goal -- ^ Constructs a new variable binding
conj  :: Goal -- ^ Logical operator - Conjunction
disj  :: Goal -- ^ Logical operator - Disjunction
(===) :: Goal -- ^ Logical operator - Equality

How do we use a miniKanren program?

We construct a goal we want to satisfy

-- | (X = "1" OR X = "2") AND (Y = "a" OR Y = "b")
goal :: Goal
goal = fresh $ 
    \x -> fresh $ 
        \y -> ((x === Atom "1") `disj` (x === Atom "2")) 
            `conj` ((y === Atom "a") `disj` (y === Atom "b"))

And execute it against our initial state

initialState :: State
initialState = ([], 0)

results :: Stream State
results = goal initialState

displayResults :: IO ()
displayResults = putStrLn $ prettyPrintResults results


-- | (X = "1" OR X = "2") AND (Y = "a" OR Y = "b")
-- Var 0 := X
-- Var 1 := Y

Var 1 := Atom "a"
Var 0 := Atom "1"

Var 1 := Atom "a"
Var 0 := Atom "2"

Var 1 := Atom "b"
Var 0 := Atom "1"

Var 1 := Atom "b"
Var 0 := Atom "2"

As you can see, we will get all associations which satisfy the stated constraints in the goal.

How do we bind new variables?

fresh does this implicitly for us, such that we do not need to name our bindings.

Let’s see how this is done…

By looking in State

Inside our State, we have an implicit parameter VariableCounter:

type State = (Subst, VariableCounter)

Each time fresh is applied to some State, we increment the VariableCounter and use it to generate unique identifiers for variables, e.g. Var 0, Var 1, ....


initialState = ([], 0)

Gets updated to…

updatedState = ([(Var 0, Atom "1")], 1)

Why represent results as a Stream of States?

There can be many possible combinations of results which satisfy the constraints.


Given the following constraint for X:

X = 1X = 2

We can have:

X := 1

---- OR

X := 2

Hence we represent these possibilities in a Stream.

Laziness of Haskell

In the event answers continue indefinitely: [Ans1, Ans2, ..], it doesn’t matter, since we can just take as many items as we require and leave the rest unevaluated.

In that case why didn’t we just use lists ([a])?

Defining Streams

Looking at our Stream definition, we realize it is essentially the same as a list, with an additional possibility:

Delay which indicates the Stream should be Delayed for evaluation at a future time.

Stream definition

data Stream a = Nil
              | Cons a (Stream a)
              | Delayed (Stream a) deriving (Eq, Show)

Delay can be used to force switching between 2 streams.

To understand why this is needed, let’s talk about disj.

Usage of disjunction

First we need to understand what disj does.

disj allows us to perform fair complete search of our results.


if we had 2 result streams:

s0 = [a, b, c]
s1 = [x, y, z]

disj would merge their results together like so:

s_merged = [a, x, b, y, c, z]

Under the hood

Under the hood it does something like this:

interleave :: [a] -> [a] -> [a]
interleave [] l = l
interleave l [] = l
interleave (x:xs) ys = x : interleave ys xs

> interleave [1..3] [2..4]
> [1,2,2,3,3,4]


We can see disj requires us to deconstruct at least one of its arguments, e.g. x in (x:xs).

We can then ignore everything else, until we force further evaluation:

*MicroKanren> x :: [Int]; x = interleave [1..] [2,4..]
*MicroKanren> :sprint x
x = _
*MicroKanren> head x
*MicroKanren> :sprint x
x = 1 : _

Recursive goals

So far so good, until we recursively define a goal

-- |
-- "goalR" refers to recursive goal
-- "goalT" refers to terminal goal which always succeeds

goalR :: Goal
goalR = goalR `disj` goalT

goalT :: Goal
goalT = return

Inutitively, this should work fine for us, as disj should behave like so…

Expected behaviors of disj

Terminal V NonTerminal goals

If one of its goals never terminates, and the other one does, it should return the results from the terminal goal.

This is because disj works like disjunction, only one of the goals need to succeed.

Since goalT terminates, we should just return the result of goalT.

Ordering of arguments

disj should not care about the order of its arguments, relations are commutative.

In practice

In practice however, the following occurs:

goalR s = (goalR `disj`  goalT) s
        = goalR s `mplus`  goalT s 
        -- mplus behavior is the same as interleave
        -- We evaluate the first argument, in order to deconstruct it
        = (goalR `disj` goalT) s `mplus` goalT s
        = (goalR s `mplus` goalT s) `mplus` goalT s
        = ((goalR s `mplus` goalT s) 
            `mplus` goalT s) 
                `mplus` goalT s
        = ...

As we can see, we are never able to extract the head of goalR s due to its recursive definition.

Swapping arguments

However, if we swapped the arguments around:

goalR s = (goalT `disj`  goalR) s
        = goalT s `mplus`  goalR s 

Since goalT s terminates, we would be able ignore the recursive part, until forced to yield more results.

User intervention!

This requires the user to manually push the recursive parts to the rightmost argument, which is error-prone.

By changing the data structure to include a Delay, we can force switching.

Using Delay to force switching

goalR s = Delayed (goalR s) `mplus` goalT s

mplus can pattern match on the Delayed data constructor of our Stream and perform a switch

goalR s = Delayed (goalT s `mplus` goalR s)


This can then be evaluated since goalT s is terminal, and mplus forces on its first argument.

User intervention!

This approach is still error prone however, the responsibility still lies with users to wrap the recursive parts in a Delayed data constructor.

If we extend the idea to make Delayed an inherent / implicit part of the recursive definition of the recursive goal, goalR we can avoid this.

Encoding Delay into microKanren

We wrap all goal constructors, disj, conj, fresh, (===) in Delayed.

That way, whenever a goal is recursively defined, it always evaluates to a delayed stream.

To make that explicit, let’s see the following expansion:


goalR s = Delayed (goalR s `mplus` goalT s)
        = Delayed ((Delayed (goalR s `mplus` goalT s)) `mplus` goalT s)
        = Delayed (Delayed (goalT s `mplus` goalR s `mplus` goalT s))

What does it mean?

The essence of it is that goalT s is not recursively defined, so we will always be able to deconstruct it.

More generally, as long as one of the goals are not recursively defined, we will always be able to evaluate disj to give us results.

Using microKanren

  • SAT solver

  • Program synthesis

  • Quines

SAT Solver

  • Boolean Satisfiability Problem: check if a Boolean expression is solvable

  • NP-hard, unless in disjunctive normal form, e.g.:

    (A ∧ B) ∨ (¬B ∧ C ∧ D)

  • Naturally, doable in microKanren.
